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In order to find the people you are looking for, use of the following keywords:

1. Enter the level and languages you know. For example “native Czech speaker, good English, medium Russian, basic German”

2. Enter the competences you are looking for: actor, advanced, advice, amateur, beginner, certified, experienced, IT-decoder, journalist, learner, linguist, linguistic-decoder, native speaker voice, multi-media technician, professional, singer, teacher, translator, writer.

3. Enter the preferences if they matter for your research. Chose from the following Keywords: administration, baby care, children, culture, customer services, decoding, ecology, equity, entertainment, environment, family, food, further education, grandparents, health, history, Human Rights, humor, intercultural, language, leisure, love, management, method, migration, music, parents, science, self-development, soft skills, sports, tourism, travelling, youngsters, …
or other topics such as specific sports, school subjects or technical issues etc.

4. Put “any” if preferences have no importance.

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